6 Reasons Students Prefer Digital Books in 2021 

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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Arguments can be made for both textbooks and paperless education. Nowadays, many students are opting for tablets instead of textbooks. 

Some of the reasons why are outlined below.

  • Digitally Literate Students

The world in 2021 is immersed in technology. If used correctly it can be very effective. When students use technology to learn, they are prepared for a variety of careers. It improves their digital literacy. Digital literacy refers to the knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow children to be both safe and empowered in the digital word. When students are competent online, they learn to navigate the digital world contributing to their success in a technology rich future as a digitally literate employee. 

  • Student Flexibility 

There is a certain flexibility to being able to work from anywhere. Each student is presented with a number of choices. They can choose which e-books they want, the device they wish to use to complete their work and then they have a choice of how and in what way they will utilize the resources. The many choices presented, allow students to take ownership of their learning leaving them feeling empowered as they become more invested in learning goals. Tablets and e-books can also be more interactive and provide an entertaining learning experience for every student increasing engagement levels

  • Saving Money

Digital resources cost less. In 2019, the average cost per student on new hard copy books was $87, and $84 in 2020. In 2020, the average cost per student on e-books was $38. Students are paying significantly less for e-books and online resources. You can access digital resources easily from your smartphones, laptops and tablets; all items you already possess. Not only is it saving time, it can also save your parents money. Another option to save money is to buy textbooks online and check price comparison websites like BookScouter to find the best deal for the ISBN you are looking for.

  • Improved Instruction
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Digital resources improve the quality of instruction as both students and teachers have access to the latest information as it happens. Educators can add their notes and current opinions on older research papers. Professors can also give additional resources and reading to their students by merely sending a downloadable link. You have access to a variety of tools online such as the highlighter to enhance the learning experience and improve study. Other digital tools include keyword search where you can locate a keyword instantly using the search bar. Some e-books also include an option for you to listen to the book being read aloud which caters for auditory learners or those who find reading difficult. 

  1. Physically Friendly 

Digital learning takes away the physicality of carrying textbooks. Having a one stop shop for all your school resources protects students’ backs. Resources are found online so you do not have to physically carry them. Students are afforded the opportunity to work from anywhere they choose to.

  • Environmentally Aware

Paperwork is one of the biggest strains on schools. Digital resources save not only hours of photocopying, printing and disposing. They also save educators a whole lot of time. We are living in a time where contributing to a better environment is of utmost importance. Attending a school that is paperless will make your education more meaningful as they contribute to a greener future. What better way to model an eco-friendly lifestyle than watching their teachers utilize the digital world to educate their students. Going paperless allows the school to spend their paper disposal costs elsewhere which means better resources for everyone.

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