Oatmeal Cooking Mistake

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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The game-changer is steel-cut oatmeal. Steel-cut oatmeal is not only very filling, but also extremely versatile and nutritious. They may take longer to prepare than a microwaveable oatmeal packet but we promise it’s well worth the extra time.

If you have ever tried steel-cut oatmeal on the stovetop, you might have noticed a sticky result when you heat it up too much. This recepti translucent film appears on top of your oatmeal. Sticky goop may also appear, which is a common occurrence. This is not a rare occurrence.

It’s a mystery to me as to what I should do with it. “It can sometimes become crusty and crackling, and I end up getting disgusted by its appearance and throwing it in the compost bin,” says Reddit user polkaron. “One time, I took a little bit and it was kind of sweet. It mostly bothers me because it alters the texture of my oatmeal. Does this happen because I cook it incorrectly? This stuff is not visible in most photos of oatmeal, so I wonder if someone else has removed it or if it is me doing something wrong.

She continued and said that she used both McCann’s steel-cut varieties and Bob’s Red Mill steel-cut varieties. She also stated that she follows the instructions on the packages and adds brown sugar to the oats as well as water.

Two people replied to her inquiry, stating that the film or goop on the surface layer is likely due to the soluble fiber in the oatmeal. The water dissolves the soluble fiber, but it is possible that the oats were left on the stove for too much time or at a high heat setting to hinder this process.

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“That’s the only soluble fiber found in the oats. If you don’t like the texture of the oats, you can cook them a bit less or let them sit for a shorter time.

Although we aren’t sure whether soluble fiber is responsible for the thin film or the goopy substance, one thing we know is that it won’t harm you to eat. When making steel-cut oatmeal, reduce the heat by one degree and don’t let them sit on the stove for too long.

You can find more information at Popular Foods with More Fiber Than Oatmeal. Don’t forget our newsletter!