The Best Places to Get Some PICOT Questions Ideas

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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Nursing is evidence-based, so most nursing research uses the PICOT method. This technique is helpful in answering questions about healthcare and clinical problems. Picot question ideas are the process of framing relevant questions, finding potential sources of information, and then assessing and evaluating those sources. Continue the process as necessary.

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Short Definition of PICOT Questions

  • P- Population/ Problem/ Patient. It could refer to an individual’s ethnicity, gender, or age with respect to a specific disorder. This section allows you to specify the demographics for the patients.
  • I-Intervention/Indicator. It is the variable of interest. It could be the risk behavior, prognostic factor or exposure to disease. The problem must be addressed.
  • C-Comparison/Control. It is a comparison between the intervention and an alternative treatment. It could be Prognostic Factor B, absence or risk factor, no disease or placebo.
  • O-Outcome. This section highlights the outcome you want from the treatment. This is the outcome you are hoping to achieve after the intervention. This could include the risk of getting sick, the elimination of symptoms, or accuracy of diagnosis.
  • T- Time. It is the time required to observe participants and for intervention to produce a specific outcome.

This format allows the researcher to create researchable questions and answers. The PICOT formula’s primary purpose is to determine if a particular practice or policy is best for providing care to a patient population.

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Ideas for formulating the PICOT questions

  • Concentrate on the I (Intervention).
  • These questions help inform the development of the research question. It will assist you in finding relevant studies if you include the Intervention in your research strategy.
  • The results will therefore address the concepts of Abstract and Title.
  • Include P (Population/ Patient/ Problem)
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This helps you to expand your search results. These two elements form the core of your research question. Remember to translate natural language terms into subject descriptors during the search process.

If the search results are not relevant, you can revise your terms. This applies to all components that you add to the PICOT format.

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  • Use appropriate databases

CINAHL and PubMed/Medicine are the best databases for nursing research. These databases are helpful in locating relevant results for health-related questions. Systematic reviews can be accessed from the Joanna Briggs Institute or the Cochrane Library.

  • ERIC and PsycINFO are good options for specialty databases.
  • Other PICOT components can be added

This will allow you to narrow down your research question. This is done by adding additional elements to your search, such as Comparison, Outcomes, Time/ Type of Study.

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You can use the databases to retrieve more relevant information. Learn how to use search filters like Boolean logic and controlled vocabulary. This includes the publication type and ages.