Acupressure Training – Education and Skills for the Modern Bodyworker

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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Find Acupressure Training in the United States and Canada. Though there are many healing arts schools that offer acupressure training, not all are the same in course offerings, and no two are alike in length. The similarities in acupressure training programs, however, can be found in the fundamentals of the course – which often includes basic acupressure, anatomy, physiology, and business practices.

As a touch therapy, acupressure training is essential to those wanting to expand patient/client services in a massage or health spa setting. Candidates who elect to enroll in acupressure training courses can anticipate learning a traditional Chinese technique that is based on the same principles of acupuncture. The difference that sets the two healing arts apart is that while acupuncture facilitates needles to achieve results, acupressure is gentle bodywork that utilizes firm pressure through the elbow, hand or foot.

Both the novice and professional massage therapist gain a wealth of knowledge and skills from acupressure training because it offers yet another method of unique and ancient, natural healing. In most cases, acupressure training begins with foundational instruction in the various forms of acupressure; including hands-on training in Shiatsu, Jin Shin and reflexology. In some cases, acupressure training programs may include electives in Chinese medical massage (Tui Na), aromatherapy massage, as well as Ashiatsu (barefoot Shiatsu).

Students participating in acupressure training programs learn how to pinpoint key locations (meridians) on the body, and their interrelationship to various organs. By understanding how these locations affect imbalances, students apply acupressure to these pivotal points to transform energy in the body and to remove blockages that may be creating dis-ease within the body.

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Individuals who have successfully completed acupressure training are often awarded with a certificate and/or diploma, and ensure that they have attained the skills necessary to help patients and clients relieve common health problems including backaches, headaches, musculoskeletal disorders, and many other health conditions.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding acupressure training, let professional education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Acupressure Training: Education and Skills for the Modern Bodyworker

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