Acupuncture Education and Career Opportunities

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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Making the decision to gain a higher education from an acupuncture school or college can provide you with the skills you will need for the future you long for. Acupuncture education and career opportunities are provided so that you can gain the training that will be needed to find employment in the field. Accredited programs will offer training in specific areas and at various levels that will help you in selecting the training path that will help you meet your goals. More information regarding degrees and specialized areas of study can be obtained by contacting various training facilities.

Acupuncture is a form of natural healing that uses the insertion of fine needles to help alleviate pain and stress. The placement of each needle will correlate to an internal organ or specific area of the body. Once the needles are inserted into the skin the nerves will send a signal to that part of the body to help it heal itself. You can prepare for this exciting profession by learning more about the options available to you.

Accredited studies can require that you complete coursework in various areas that relate to your desired occupation. The first step that needs to be taken is to decide on the career that will meet your desires. Career possibilities will include becoming a:

  • Chiropractor
  • Massage Therapist
  • Holistic Healer

After deciding on the career that you will be pursuing you will need to learn about and choose the levels of training that need to be completed in order to complete coursework and seek employment.

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There are many paths to choose from when you are looking to gain the educational training for a career in acupuncture. Accredited programs offer numerous opportunities to allow you to gain the level of training you need. Studies are available for you to complete at the:

  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • Doctoral

degree levels of study. After choosing a level of training you will then be able to select a specific area of study. Areas include acupuncture and oriental medicine and five element acupuncture. The level of training and specialized area will determine the coursework to be completed.

Coursework will consist of different topics to help you understand what the career entails. You can expect to learn Chinese medicine, anatomy, herbal medicine, Qi Gong, and various other subjects. Once you have enrolled in an accredited school or college you can also expect to study holistic health, physiology, five elements, practice management, and more. You can begin training by choosing the career, level of study, and specialized area and enrolling in a program today.

There are a number of acupuncture schools and colleges that carry full accreditation and provide a quality education. The Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine ( ) is approved to fully accredit educational training programs that provide the best possible training. Begin training for the career of your dreams by contacting various programs and asking for additional information regarding the career training path of your choice.