How to Find A Right Career Path

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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Of all the major life choices, certainty in your correct career path is vital. As you near the completion of high school or college, there are resources to assist you in landing in that perfect niche. There are those fortunate few who know their gift or calling at a very early age. For most however, that choice may change before the time comes that you actually have to decide.

Speak with Mentors:

Mentors can often lead you in determining your career path. Whether it be a lifetime mentor, who has wisdom and actually knows you or a mentor at work that sees your gifts and capabilities, this is a good place to start.

Talk over your choices and reasons that you feel you might like particular careers with a trusted person.

Use Visualization:

Creating visualization is a great method. Picture what you want in life. Write down what you like, wish to obtain and list varying scenarios. Think about things you do that make you feel positive or rewarded. That may be a good clue of what you excel in and will do best.

Look up visual cues to the job or jobs you are contemplating. Photographs, the internet, visual job images can be obtained everywhere. If those images bring you excitement, that is probably what you should seek to do.

Voice Goals:

Say aloud what you want. Be positive when doing this. Saying “I can do… ” or “I can succeed at” or “my destiny is… ” If these things bring you excitement at the prospect that is a good clue. Workers will always excel best at whatever they are good at and love most.

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Use The Negatives:

In career search, as in life, there will negatives encountered along the way. If you don’t get a call back from an interview or you receive negative feedback, use that to build toward your future. Determine where things went wrong and turn those things around, Rehearse interviews with friends and family, tweak your resume if necessary. Do not let this deter you in your long term goal.

Imagine Dream:

Imagine your life in your chosen career. Imagine doing those things you enjoy and are good at. The beauty of choosing the right career area is that you get paid to do what you like.

Use Existing Resources:

One of the most important and often most over looked assets for career selection is the high school and college resource office. Whether this be your guidance counselor at school or career placement at college, they have professional means to help steer you correctly.

Assessment tests show your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. They also have a wide variety of information on careers.

Human Resource offices at work also can steer you to career improvement. Many people miss out on opportunities because they fail to utilize these resources.

Online resources are one of the best means to determine your career. There is endless information on careers and what they entail. The Bureau of Labor produces monthly statistical research reports. These reports shows Current Employment Status (CES.) This is compiled of data from 143,000 business and government agencies that are surveyed.

These reports show trends in employment, hours worked and earnings. This is a great indicator of career choices that you may be considering.

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Internships are an excellent way to determine if a career path is right for you. Working day to day in the actual environment you have chosen is a great way to see if that job is right for you. If you have a passion for the job, you have made the right choice.

Keep Options Open:

If certain jobs or career paths seem the wrong fit, never close a door. Although, you may not have particularly liked certain aspects of a job you are on, if you choose to move on, do so graciously. Your ideas or options might change later.

Make a Plan:

In choosing the correct career path, make a plan. Set goals, step by step. Identify skills needed for that. Determine if you are a good fit for that. Adapt if it is what you truly desire your lifetime goal to be.