Make your children’s birthday cake – This is a first for a mom!

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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This was Sarah’s first attempt at making a cake. Her son had a very specific idea of what he wanted. He wanted a Harry Potter theme and Legos. The heat was on! You can use our ready-made Scavenger hunts for indoor or outdoor use to host small or large party for children. All the information is provided and sent directly to you via email. The treasure hunt is kinderfeestje 5 jaar an exciting task that can take about 40 minutes and can be called the best part of the cake. There are a variety of themes to pick from and the story and riddles can be altered to fit the age of your child (4-6 years old or 7-10 years). Easy for you to master and great fun for the youngsters!

  • As you can see, the result was exceptional. Sarah chose a 2 tier cake (one for each theme).
  • We talked to Sarah about her experience with the process.
  • You’d never baked a cake before so why did you decide to make one instead of buying one?

Making things yourself gives you a sense satisfaction and achievement. It was difficult to find a cake that included everything my son likes. So I set out to make it and give it a Mummy’s personal touch. After looking at the cost of cakes, I felt that I couldn’t justify it. I decided to order what I needed online because it was so much cheaper. I was inspired by Pinterest and google images, and decided to give it a try.

What was your theme? Why did you choose it and why?

It was a mixture of Harry Potter and Lego, with a touch of football and pirates. This is why I made it. I wanted to include all of his favorite themes on the cake and make it special.

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It was so easy!

Because I’m not a baker, I asked a friend to help me with the sponge. After a few attempts, I iced the cakes and decorated the board with homemade decorations. Everything had to be edible, except for the Lego men. I am familiar with the joy children have in eating the bits of the cake. To make the party more manageable, I created the decorations while watching TV a few nights prior. To encourage Zach to get involved, I asked him to help me roll out the icing.

Would you do it over again?

It was a great challenge and I would do it again. You’d be surprised at the rewards and creativity that you can achieve when you take on a challenge such as this.

How did your son react to the cake?

I had spent the night finishing up the last touches, so I was up late. In the morning, I showed my son the project and he gave me a hug and told me how much it meant to him! His genuine sincere response showed that he was impressed. I was glad to have passed! It was definitely worth it for that alone.

You have set the bar high. What are you planning to do next year?

It all depends on what he does next year. It’s always something new, but it is always something that you have experienced.

Do you accept requests?

Haha! I’m not sure I would feel the same confidence doing it for another person. It was a great experience that gave me confidence. Anyone can do it if they can’t.

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Although making a birthday cake can be more difficult than buying one, it can be very enjoyable and a great way for your child to get involved in the party planning process. For a child’s birthday, it’s nice to make their cake.