Online Career Counselling Escorting The Students To Their Dream Destinations

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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The academic corridors have always tried to respond to the demands of the economy. In the last two decades, the economic differentiation has emerged as a strong phenomenon. There is demand for the professionals with specific skills. The students can benefit by choosing to make their career in the resonant fields. Only the correct career counselling for them is required! Career guidance at the right time can align the best of the opportunities for them.

In the present competitive scenario, when a vast student community waits for the good escorts, online career guidance has come up as a demanded concept. Actually, there were many constraints that hindered effective career planning for the seeking students; especially in the middle school stages. These have been all removed through the fluent and real time online interfaces. Many dedicated web portals are catering the students in a comprehensive manner. The students can reach out to the career counselors and experts for the personalized advice regarding the career options and choices; and there is no need to move out of one’s city of residence to have the counselling! More students are thus seeking the escorts and getting benefited through online career counselling passages.

Serving resonant information

The students, especially in the 2 and 3 tier cities remain ignorant about the latest opportunities in the higher education and allied career fields associated with these. This curbs their initiatives and planning for the future. Career guidance portals are helping out such students! They get to know the trends and the best of the opportunities that are emerging. Specific information regarding particular career streams can be also obtained because many lead career portals also carry a dynamic databank. The pass outs from 12th often feel confused about what career stream to choose and where to go looking for it. The robust databases of colleges, universities are offered as the realtime resource to them. Resonant information regarding the entrance exam schedules, seats availability and the scholarships etc is also served. Some web portals also offer the personalized alerts through SMS to their members.

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Getting personal assessments

Another essential service that is being offered by the career counselling portals is the aptitude analysis for the students. The expert takes into account the potentials, likes and affinities of the student and combines the same with the past academic records to arrive at a conclusion. This conclusion serves as the basis of the career counselling for the particular student. Such advice is very much rational and there is less chance of faltering mid way after making the incompatible choice (much students suffer from this).

Girija Nair, the author is lead coordinator with an online career counselling jobs portal. She has also worked as professor in the department of Child Psychology in a reputed private University in India. She currently facilitates active and real time interfacing between the seeking students and career counsellors that are ready to offer their services.