What is Done Right in Public Health and Health Insurance?

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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Health care is taking a careful look at the current swine flu issue, while many of us are wondering how to protect ourselves if there is an epidemic or pandemic of this flu. In America, the opinion is we have the most highly functioning health care system anywhere, so that’s where the explanation is as to why Mexico is facing such a huge problem in preserving life for it’s people. Here in the US we have good medical care access and health insurance so are preserved from facing the Mexican issues. But why do we still maintain health better right now than the Mexican people?

Well, it is not that I don’t appreciate the health care that we have here in the states, however, the main thing that Americans have that other countries don’t is the CDC. This is actually a huge help when dealing with the swine flu or any disease or illness that is easily spread. The CDC works in conjunction with the WHO to help locate, detect and trace cases of spreadable diseases, and help limit them while searching for treatments, cures and vaccines. Although our medical system is more advanced in its reporting than in third world countries.

Other factors affecting other countries, making them more susceptible to health crisis like the current swine flu outbreak are other issues that the face such as: poor and dirty water supplies, lack of good nutrition or generalized malnutrition, lack of education about diseases, poor hygiene, communal living

Our country does have it’s own issues within our health care system and insurance system which causes many questions from our citizens. However, our government is involved in our health care in that they provide nutritious foods, clean water and have an agency who monitors disease and informs us to keep us safe.

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This crisis is really important but there are many health care issues the government provides for us, even though there are pieces and parts of this system that need work. We have the health insurance and medical coverage to keep us healthy but public health provides much more. While staying abreast of this current crisis, keep in mind we have a wonderful public health system in place to keep us all as healthy as possible.

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