Why You Need To Think Differently In Your Career Planning

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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I have noticed that many students when passed out from high school are not able to take the right decision. And a decision taken at this stage is going to make a huge difference in your life; that is why it is so important to take the right decision at the very beginning.

Though there are some careers that you think of taking up which are as usual expected from you not only by your parent but also by the society at large.

There are many students who think “out of the box” now days and take up career that they never imagined ever.

It is very rare to find people training for careers that are not the usual careers that belong to the medicine, engineering or management categories. The main reasons for why you and many young people don’t think differently are:

1. Fear of an unsettled future:

In formative years when you see many well settled people with five-figure pay check, traveling in and out of airports and full of confidence; it makes you feel insecure in taking up career that is not familiar or usual for you.

A fear of an unsettled future troubles you and hinders any progress in planning for something different.

2. Insufficient infrastructure and training facilities:

When you passed out of University, it is difficult to take up different career in your life as you do not find the reliable training facilities and the infrastructure in your own country.

This forces you to look out for facilities in other countries abroad which is not easily affordable and is very inconvenient as far as living conditions and other factors involved.

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3. Poor guidance:

There is not much information available except on the internet and people living in rural areas may not have easy access to the internet. The guidance to take up new career is not made available to you.

And hence the fear remains in you making you move away from such career even if it is your dream job.

4. Parental pressure:

The lack of parental support for your new career that seem attractive but people are unaware about it, is a great hindrance to you to pursue different career.

The mom and Dad want to play safe and make it sure knowing that you are on the way to well settled with the right job and one that is lucrative.

5. Peer pressure:

Peer pressure works both ways. You get pressurized by peers who have joined a course other normally chosen and go against all the odds with peers.

But at the same time peer pressure also discourages you joining of such out of the box career and forces you to take up career that is safe and secure.

6. You taught to be an employee:

The high-schools and Universities are not teaching you how to become a successful entrepreneur and business owner. They only teach you how to become a great employee.

This leads you not to think for different career other than a usual one. The fear of failing is the greatest cause of not to think differently.

But now days people like you started to think differently and took up career that did not follow the beaten path. Such differently available careers include those in the realm of sports and games, fashion industry, entertainment industry, game designers and testers and the list can go on and on.

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In the internet world, one more career option available for you and young people is called work at home or internet marketing. Now more and more businesses coming online and there are thousands of legitimate home business opportunities you can venture for making online career profitable.

When I asked to some of my friends that why are they studying? Almost all of them replied the same thing- “FOR MAKING MONEY!”

If you are not able to choose a right career, entering in the world of Internet marketing or opting for home-based business is one of the most profitable and reliable online career with no Boss and no stress!

It is up to you to identify your aptitudes and capabilities and depending on your talents decide whether you want a home business career or you want to retire as an employee.